Gravity Shapes Life
The impact of gravity on the human body, spine and its organs movement – Fix your back pain
Man as a gravity sensor
The mission of the site is to present knowledge about gravity based on research on how the human mechanical system reacts to it in different environments and how the above reactions identify its action.
Gravity is the main energy, next to mitochondrial, that starts the “living” human muscle engine and is responsible for its shaping. Issues concerning the development of the body under its influence from human birth to old age and its impact on the spine are included in the book Fix Your Back Like an Architect .
The research material uses a comparative analysis of human mechanics on Earth and the results of NASA research on astronauts’ organisms during space expeditions. More information in the about the BOOK tab.
The Grvity site refers to general issues of gravity on Earth and in the Universe contained mainly in Isaac Newton’s law of universal gravitation and Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Critical arguments against this second theory are also presented in the following articles on the Blog:
The General Theory of Relativity Is Wrong – Why Did Einstein Need Newton’s Elevator?
Einstein’s Curvature of Four-Dimensional Spacetime Does Not Exis
The author’s vision of body mechanics and the functioning of the human energy system contained in the book and on the blog-Fix Your Back Pain
The three columns below highlight some of the most important issues described in the book and developed on the Blog. They concern, among others, the mechanisms that regulate the functioning of the human body under the influence of gravity forces on the body, explaining how the structure of joints is adapted to these mechanisms and why the spine is not a column but a mechanical muscular transmission. I believe it is necessary to take these issues into account when applying diagnosis and determining directions of treatment by sciences such as human body mechanics, orthopedics, medical rehabilitation, neurology and sports medicine.
Check out the following as well as other entries posted on the Fix Your Back Pain Blog.
Grawitacja kształtuje układ mięśniowy
The human body can assume a vertical position mainly due to the arrangement of structurally different body segments in a stacked order, as well as the vertical accumulation of gravity forces of these segments, starting from the head to the feet, and the feedback force of the ground causing compression in the muscles proportional to the force of gravity acting on these segments. The action of the same forces on the elastic-plastic structure of muscles is used by the human body to generate kinetic energy while walking and running. You can read about how this mechanism works and how civilization’s disruption of normal muscle tension in everyday life affects human health in the book FYBLAA
Microdilatations between articular surfaces
Classic human anatomy requires supplementing the structure of joints with the properties that they obtain due to the action of gravity on the musculoskeletal system in the conditions of human functioning on a solid surface. In order for the mechanical system of the human biomachine to function properly, the surfaces of “living joints” are separated by microdilatations. Only in this case is it possible for a person to assume a vertical position. A single joint obtains such a gap thanks to the gravitational tension of the periarticular muscles attached on its opposite sides, either directly or through connective tissue and thanks to gravitational tone. Even if a person lifts a very heavy load, the periarticular muscles adjust their tension proportionally and maintain a constant distance between these surfaces. You can read about microdilatations between joint surfaces in the subsection Static and Dynamic Stabilization of Joints by Gravitational Muscle Tension of the FYBLAA book
The spine as a mechanical muscular transmission
The spine is a mechanical transmission of muscles that regulates their tension ranges when changing body position. Together with the torso, it is subject to bending associated with performing various activities in such a way that the muscles on the convex side of the torso bend are stretched, and on the opposite side (concave side) they are compressed. If the human structure is correct (close to the gravitational postural pattern) and bending is performed in accordance with appropriate movement patterns, the spine is in the neutral zone (between the compression and extension zones). You can read about the role of the spine as a mechanical muscular transmission in the FYBLAA book and on the Blog in articles No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8, and about the gravitational postural pattern and movement patterns in the FYBLAA book.